Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Locked the keys in the car.

So, for the first time ever...I locked my keys in the car today. I was at a friends house for a meeting, with the kids, and put my keys in the diaperbag. Then I decided that I didn't want to drag the bag inside...just one more thing to carry. So I left the bag in the car and locked the doors from the inside of the car. I, of course, didn't realize this until our meeting was over and I was rounding up the kids to leave. But, my friend, Jenny, was very sweet and let me borrow her car to drive to John's work to get his keys. All the while leaving my kids at her house. I had also just offered to take her 3 oldest for a playdate, so she could have time alone with her brand new baby...but instead, she took my kids first. Ugh, sorry Jenny....but thanks for your help, you made it a low stress situation.


Annie Sunshine said...
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Annie Sunshine said...

Wow...that was your first time ever locking keys in the really don't forget anything.

I do far too often to count...hence why I bought a vehicle last time with coded entry. One time I locked all three sets of keys in the car with Bryce at six o'clock in the morning. He was just a baby and it was winter, so we had to call a locksmith pronto...I felt like a REALLY stupid mom!

P.S. sorry for the deleted comment, I spelled something wrong and it changed the whole meaning of the sentence.