Sunday, May 20, 2012


During our visit to the ranch John found a Horny Toad Lizard.  After a couple days of convincing, I let the creature come home with us.  Teagan has been asking for a lizard for a long time and so now he is the proud owner of Spike.  (This is not the best picture.....I'll post more another time.)  We are having a heck of a time getting the poor little thing to eat, however.  His diet is supposed to consist mainly of ants.....but for some reason, we have been short on ants.  We have given him several crickets and a couple spiders, but he won't touch the crickets....and I'm not sure about the spiders.  I'm afraid Spike is starving to death!  John is going to check out a place for some ants tomorrow, hopefully it works out.  If any local friends have some nice big ant hills...let us know!

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