So, several people have wanted us to start our own blog to keep up with our little family. So here I am trying it, for the first time.
Our little family is growing and happy. John is working hard doing his graphic design work. Tia is feeling not-so-great....expecting a new baby in October, but excited. Teagan is so smart and has a great imagination...not sure if it's just been forced from having to play with the same toys inside all winter long, but he still seems to be happy. Brody is quite funny and is climbing on everything. Darn, he can finally climb on the couch without a boost or a box pushed up to the cushions. And safety gates seem to be pushed down way too easily for this little man.
We came back from a week long trip this last weekend. We traveled to Galt, California for 3 days, Oregon coast for a day, Seattle for a day, Endicott, Washington for a couple days, then to Spokane, then home to Bountiful. It was a lot of driving, but the boys did surprisingly well. Teagan made fast friends with our new portable DVD player and Brody....well, he didn't have as much fun in the car, but did pretty well. And we all had fun visiting cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents. Fun fun.