Sunday, June 21, 2009

Oregon Coast post #1

I tried to get a pic of Kamryn's reaction to the ocean...instead I got a snot bubble!
Brody likes long walks on the beach and feeling the sand between his toes.
Beautiful rocks off the coast.
John and the boys.

I know...boring captions, but I've got a baby on my lap, ready to eat...typing one handed....hopefully the next post will be more descriptive. :o)


Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

It's so beautiful! Where in Oregon did you guys go?

chelsea mckell said...

You're SO in trouble for doing boring captions. Your job is to entertain your readers.
Kidding- I actually really liked the one under Brody's beach walking pic.
AND - I'm so impressed you captured a snot bubble! I've thought about how cool it would be to get a picture of Brianna's... but they're so quick, I'd have to carry a camera around and ready all day - or just get lucky like you did! I love the Oregon coast. My family did a big reunion there a long time ago.

Luke and Kimmy said...

That boogie bubble made me laugh so hard. How cute!