10 years ago I ...
1. Had just started my 1st year of college.
2. Moved out of the house I grew up in.
3. Thought it'd be a good idea to crush on a man 17 years my elder.
4. Decided to be an art major.
5. Had a cute apt with my friend, Bird.
5 Things on today's "to do" list...boring, I know
1. vacuum
2. sweep
3. mop...might not happen
4. dishes
5. laundry
5 snacks I enjoy...
1. smoothies
2. chocolate
3. cheesecake
4. homemade turtles
5. anything dairy
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
1. travel
2. buy a house
3. hire someone to do the deep cleaning of my house
4. eat out and monthly massages
5. invest/save
5 places I have lived...
1. Colfax
2. Endicott
3. Spokane
4. Wimbledon
5. All over Utah...even over the border into the Arizona desert
5 jobs I have had...
1. babysitter
2. custodial help at the school
3. office help at the grain office
4. 'Pug Master' - ceramics studio helper
5. Secretary
I tag...JB, Jenny, Trishia, Chera, and Bird
Rules: Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person that tagged you know when you've answered the questions on your blog.
6 months ago
I will totally do this (probably tomorrow) Fun! Anyhow, 17 years huh? Crazy - sure glad you found John! And is that THE Wimbledon?
Ha TIA!! ;o) Ok I will do it since I need to add a new post anyway LOL ;o) And yeah our apartment was so cute!!
Oh & you were the best roommate EVER!
I bet JB wont do it.
Tagged you back, by the way!!!
It is coming so fast, you are going to have a baby girl here before you know it! Keep us updated, I would love to bring by dinner (may not be too exciting) So for sure get the word out!
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