Ok, so you can't tell by the picture that I took way too late in the process...but Teagan is getting over Scarlet Fever!!!! Almost 2 weeks ago I took Teagan and Kamryn to the doctor for colds. Teagan ended up having a double ear infection (he's never had an ear infection before and didn't even complain about it.). And both kids had bad yucky colds. Anyway, they gave us a Rx for Teagan's ear infection and we went on our merry way. We moved into our new house a couple days later and the colds were not getting any better...but no complaints of a sore throat, so I didn't even think strep. But about a week ago, I noticed that Teagan had some little red bumps on his cheeks, so I lifted his shirt and he was covered in these little red bumps. We thought maybe it was an allergic reaction to the Rx for the ear infection and the Dr told us to give him some Benadryl and see how they looked after that. Nothing changed and so when John got home from work, he took Teagan (who has still been in high spirits and crazy as ever) to insta-care. John suffered from scarlet fever which led to rhamatic (sp?) fever on his mission, so he was pretty concerned. But since Teagan seemed ok and never complained of a sore throat (strep usually preceeds scarlet fever) I didn't think too much of it. *sigh* I felt like a terrible mom when John came home with a new Rx and our son who definitely had Scarlet Fever. How could I let this happen? I watched him, asked him questions, tried to take good care of him...but who knew you could have strep and not know it. I've had it once when we were newly weds...and it kicked my butt! Anyway, Teagan has been on his new Rx for almost a week now, looks and feels great, and is doing tons better! And luckily none of the rest of us caught it. And even though John and Brody both ended up with colds too.....everyone is on the mend. Kamryn even slept 9 hours last night!!!